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Training ensures an Inclusion strategy is implemented in a holistic and integrated way. There is a great need for skills among others excellent interpersonal communication, ability to handle conflict, to work across departments and teams & emotional intelligence which is synonymous with inclusive leadership.

Course Module One: Interpersonal Communication / Emotional Intelligence/ Intercultural humility - basic module /full training


We live and work in a changing and diverse society which requires strong skills in how we relate to so many different people. The basis of communication is not often taught explicitly, while it remains the core connector in all relationships both professional and personal. Every situation can be potentially misinterpreted and our behaviour is a determinant in this. This training outcome is geared to help you understand the dynamics of communication, emotional intelligence how to communicate more effectively and how behaviour influences it. This course dives into actively understanding unconscious bias and the role it plays in interacting with others, your values personality and intercultural humility that is core to inclusive leadership.


Course Module Two: Managing Conflict – basic module 


Conflict occurs on a daily basis even if we are not always aware. Sometimes we wonder during a conversation; what went wrong? why did that feel strange, besides our intuition it can be understood that conflict manifests where needs are different.  This course teaches, What is a conflict? how does one negotiate in a conflict circumstance? Why does it escalate and what are the skills you set in action you to manage conflict? What is your conflict mode? This course will help you identify conflict-handling modes and your own, how to handle conflict in various contexts.

Training follows a format of interspersed active learning and where theory meets experiences. Through interactive learning and discussions you will strengthen your interpersonal communication and conflict handling skills. 


Course Module Three: Social & Psychological Safety  – basic module 

In growing workplace inclusion the role of Psychological safety has become a key definer for high performance, satisfied and innovative teams. Its what distinguishes the drivers of inclusion so that diversity may thrive. This basic course allows a team to unpack this subject - understand the foundations, stimulate introspection and reflection, with examples to start the journey. We support any team following through with case studies and developing safety in a team interim connect moments to assess progress, address evaluations and feedback in interactive sessions. 

for teams & executive

In the last year there has been an increase of tailored requests, learning journeys at regular intervals, day offsites, team learning and cohesion. Much of this is linked to DEI awareness in the organisation and employees seeking the balance of mental, physical and inspirational that enhances their experience and advances inclusion, belonging and leadership. The divisions between work, society and home are becoming smaller. 

This has brought an extra dimension to group and team events, workshops and training whereby the medium of delivery shifts to action. This way we understand subjects, each other, things that affect us and making the workplace better for us all.

It is a fantastic way to build momentum of DEI and I get to infuse some of my roots in art, communication and bridge building for psychologically safe and high performance teams 

Co designed sessions


There is an opportunity for tailored /cocreated group experience designed for specific teams, audiences with interaction, or group and personal executive coaching 



Lecture & Workshops


Lecture: Diversity & Inclusive Business


This is a concise lecture aimed at decision-makers responsible for incorporating and integrating diversity and inclusion at all levels of the business, not just as a component of CSR. The lecture is foundational in essence and can be an informative prelude to a strategic business advisory or plan for your organisation. It presents the business case for diversity and inclusion in light of markets, demographics and a global economy. The lecture addresses leadership and how best efforts can be approached strategically and how this ties into the greater organisational development, the barriers to implementing initiatives effectively and ways to overcome them. The lecture also maps out specific aspects of diversity and inclusion and their relationship to public engagement, corporate culture and the triple bottom line. \ In addition to the lecture, it is possible to combine workshop exercise elements.


Workshop: Introduction to Diversity and Inclusion 

This workshop is for staff & managers who want to gain an understanding of diversity and inclusion, especially in relation to the business context. After this introductory session, managers with or without previous knowledge of diversity and inclusion will be better able to grasp the subject, distil concepts presented in the workshop and translate these to their particular business. In addition, they can retain our advisory services to map and guide efforts in a structured consultancy. The workshop is comprised of active learning, which is the foundation, combined with lectures and interactive discussions that enhance further understanding of diversity and inclusion. 



Workshop Inclusive HR; Handling discrimination

This workshop is geared to provide guidance and support to HR practitioners and managers on the front lines advancing diversity and inclusion as well as preventing and handling incoming cases of discrimination. This one-day course focuses on firstly understanding the landscape of diversity and inclusion and the scope and forms of discrimination and how it is best handled, how to learn from potential scenarios and to deal with it effectively. We look together at hiring practice-related issues and how that tie into diversity. We discuss strategic measures to advance diversity.  Discrimination remains the greatest barrier to diversity, so participants are guided in how to maintain a dossier, identify the grounds for discrimination and how to break down specific acts, synthesising the in-house procedures and the legal requirements, regarding the well-being of the affected employee. Additionally, the communication cycle module outlines the optimal communication flow with all parties; the individual concerned, the team, other managers and potential external stakeholders. Furthermore, we look at finding gaps and strengthening the procedures in place that assist in confidentiality, reporting, mediating and resolving conflict. Finally, we discuss how we bring this together in relation to organisational culture and leadership, and how you can translate data and procedures into effective diversity, inclusion and HRD efforts, ensure the retention of talent, prevent walkouts and legal issues. We wrap up mapping ways to turn negative incidences into positive decisions and strategies for the organisation.

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